134 West

Archive for November, 2012|Monthly archive page

BEND IN THE ROAD nominated for FOUR Broadway World AWARDS!

In Musicals, Our Work, Theater on November 30, 2012 at 10:15 am


134 West’s production of the new musical Bend in the Road, inspired by the classic novel Anne of Green Gables, has been nominated for FOUR Broadway World Awards, including Best Musical! Voting is now open to the public. Please vote for us now!

Best Musical (Local Production): Bend in the Road

Best Actress in a Musical (Local Production): Alison Woods

Best Choreography (Local Production): Kevin Lee

Best Featured Actress in a Musical (Local Production): Melinda Porto

Audiences and critics agree that Bend in the Road was one of the best new musicals of the year! We are the little engine that could and now looking for the next Bend in the Road production that will hopefully lead us on to Broadway! Find out more at http://bendintheroadmusical.com, Facebook or watch the trailer below: